- August 2, 2022
- Symphony Ragan, Content Planning & Strategy

Many businesses and organizations are currently going through a digital transformation. Business owners, CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, and others are leading the charge by instituting new digital technologies to improve and update company business processes, enhance client and employee experiences, and maintain a more competitive edge. HR departments are adopting to digital innovation and going through these changes as well.
Digital transformation is not a process kept isolated within a singular department or role. Instead, each department plays its own part in the process of using available technologies to effect improvement. HR departments are now transforming into digital. Human resources managers have played an increasingly larger role in positively impacting company initiatives and goals through more advanced and targeted technological use. One of the most used HR technologies being digital PDF documents.
So, how are HR departments using PDF documents and how HR departments are adopting to digital?
There is a substantial number of documents and processes being digitized in the HR world. In fact, you could say that the landscape of HR in general is changing. Not only are hiring practices changing to accommodate the growing remote workforce and to meet current candidate expectations but HR departments need to simultaneously match the changing needs of general business operations.
Here are just a few ways in which HR departments are utilizing digital documents to meet these needs:
Legal Compliance:
Ensuring that employees and managers are kept updated on applicable Federal and local laws and regulations, while also coordinating relevant policy implementations, are important responsibilities held by HR managers and their teams. Carrying out compliance processes via PDF documents can ensure smoother employee notifications and more organized compliance audits is one of the ways that HR department are transforming into digital.
Payroll Coordination:
Payroll processes are closely related to HR processes, often requiring the two departments to work closely together. By digitizing employee documents and change requests, processes such as bonus dispersals, salary changes, and tax changes can be more efficiently completed. Managers can sign to approve employee salary changes, employees can submit updated tax forms, and any related and necessary documentation can be quickly and easily sent to payroll for implementation.
Employee Recruitment and Hiring:
By using digital PDF solutions paired with electronic signatures, HR staff and hiring managers can quickly obtain signed employment applications, drivers licenses, social security cards, and more to complete hiring processes. Digitization in this area is more important than ever due to more companies branching out and hiring non-local employees for remote job roles. Digital hiring paperwork can also be emailed securely, completed, and signed by prospective employees in a matter of minutes using software solutions such as PDF Editor Pro +.
Employee Terminations:
While no one enjoys conducting employee terminations, digitizing the necessary documents can ensure severance packages, COBRA enrollment, and exit interview processes are streamlined and conducted in a smoother fashion for employees and managers.
Contract Renewals:
HR departments are using digital PDF documents to ensure contract renewal and approval paperwork is completed in a more timely and efficient manner. PDF contracts can quickly and easily be created from scratch or through reusable templates and sent to the appropriate parties for signature and approval, ensuring there is never a lapse in always maintaining updated and current employee contracts.
Benefits Enrollments:
Coordinating employee benefits enrolments can be nothing short of scaling a paperwork mountain. Not only are HR departments tasked with providing employees with information on benefits options available, but registration paperwork must be completed, signed, and sent to benefits vendors in a secure and timely manner. Fortunately, by utilizing digital documents, sending and receiving paperwork is faster, more accurate, and can more easily be tracked to ensure timely completion.
Employee Training:
HR teams can more quickly and efficiently distribute training documents and collect handbook signatures by digitizing these processes. Easily create and send PDF documentation to multiple employees at once, ensure signed acknowledgement, and track completion to ensure receipt from all those required.
Employee Conduct:
Employee conduct management is a faster, more discreet, and better managed process when it is handled electronically. HR managers can generate documents quickly for warnings and consequences, as well as gather signed acknowledgments by utilizing PDF editors such as that from Foxit.
Whether managing HR processes for large or small businesses, utilizing PDF document solutions to streamline and complete the documents and processes like those mentioned above is imperative to supporting growing and changing companies. In summation, document digitization through the implementation of targeted PDF and eSigning software solutions such as PDF Editor Pro + allows HR departments to experience impactful benefits such as:
- Improved paperwork accuracy
- Reduced completion time
- Improved multi-department collaboration
- Enhanced security and compliance
- Better employee experience
- Streamlined benefits planning
- And more