Digital Signature for Legal Firms
Easy to Use, Cost-Effective and Most Comprehensive Digital Signature for Legal

Accelerate your document signing using a trusted Electronic signature for legal Firms
Integrated with popular systems like Salesforce, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive
- Obtain legally binding and tamperproof electronic signature for legal
- Esignatures that withstand legal scrutiny and avoid penalties
- Search and review secure legal documents in seconds
- Enable you and your staff to focus on productive billable time

Learn how Electronic Signature for Legal services can speed up your legal documents
Improve Productivity
Get patients to sign documents quickly. Automate your workflows and processes to improve the productivity of your entire office.
Improve Client Experience
Make signing contracts and documents as easy as answering a text or email. Send your important documents electronically via email and mobile SMS text messages.
Eliminate printing, faxing, scanning, and sending documents via delivery service. Have documents ready, sent, and signed all with the click of a button.
Legally Binding & Auditable
Our legally binding eSignature solution is recognized by HIPAA, ESIGN, and other compliances. Search securely stored documents for audits in seconds.
eSign from Any Device
Send and eSign documents Using Digital Signature for legal anytime and anywhere. Easy for your clients and other parties to sign on the go.
Seamless Integration
Integrate this digital signature software with your favorite applications – Salesforce, Google Drive, Drop Box, Microsoft OneDrive and Box.
Use Case: Digital Signature for legal
- Power of Attorney
- Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Sale/Purchase/Merger/Acquisition Contracts
- Settlement Agrements
- Policy Management and Compliance
- Affidavits
Increase Efficiency With Legally Binding Electronic Signature for legal Services
Save Time
Reduce the time for an application to process from days to hours. Easily get all your documents signed.
Track your Applications
Track and get alerted when an application is received, viewed, signed, and completed.
Reduce Errors
Make sure that your patients are able to provide all their important information without forgetting anything or missing a field.
Security and Compliances